Dar A Luz in Spanish translates literally as “give to light”. It is a common term used in certain areas of Mexico and South America to describe giving birth to a baby; women birth their babies into the light. Dar A Luz chose this name because it aptly describes our view to overcoming the current birth crises of: women birthing without the light of knowledge, without understanding of the body and the process. This lack of knowledge leaves women falling victim to manipulation and being driven by an over inflated fear of the very natural process of birth.
Dar a Luz partners with women in an effort to shed light on the routine use of non-evidence based healthcare peddled out in U.S. hospitals. Women are choosing to arm themselves with the knowledge of evidence based research regarding their pregnancies and birth using best clinical practices. Knowledge is power! These empowered women no longer blindly follow the endless maze of unexplained care promoted by providers and hospital protocol. Instead, they carefully seek out healthcare providers who believe in physiologic birth, providers who give them more knowledge, and providers who partner with them as they make informed choices. Thus these women truly are giving birth in the light, the light of knowledge!
It is our mission to help every woman obtain the knowledge she needs to birth in the light!
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Meet Your Nurse Midwife
Certified Nurse Midwife (servicing Savannah and surrounding areas)
Meka Hall CNM
Initially a Chicago based midwife, Meka began her midwifery career in 2007 in a renowned traditional holistic hospital based midwifery practice on the south side of Chicago. After relocating to Georgia she became very disenchanted with the state of maternity care in the Metro Atlanta Area. Thus she left hospital based practice and moved into community-based care where she could assist in true grassroot efforts to change the state of birth in Georgia. Meka's experience includes 1 year in the NICU (1999 to 2000), 7 years in Labor and Delivery (2000 to 2007), 6 years in hospital based midwifery care (2007-2013), since 2013 Meka has been attending women in their homes. In 2016 Meka relocated her midwifery practice to Savannah where she also now services several rural counties helping to fill Georgia's maternity care gap, a true modern day “call the midwife” zipping around town and farmland calling on mama’s in their homes.
Her philosophy of care is twofold: Nutrition is the basis of a healthy pregnancy outcome and a women's body has been perfectly created by God to birth human life. Meka loves to educate women on the awe-inspiring design of their bodies and watch women become empowered by their birth experience. She considers herself a skillfully observant eye in an already perfect process!
"It is the arrogance of mankind that has allowed him to believe that without his interventions the Earth would not have become populated and that he has somehow improved on God's already perfect design or birth."
“At Dar A Luz interventions are judiciously used and not the norm.”